Date: Thu, 22 Sep 94 04:30:34 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #267 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Thu, 22 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 267 Today's Topics: FTP Site for KEPS??? Help! MIR INFO REQUESTED NOAA,METEOSAT Images, from where?? Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers: WWW St. Louis Area Hams... Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 01:04:40 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: FTP Site for KEPS??? Help! To: Brian Ellse ( wrote: : Thanks for taking the time to read this note. : Due to erratic newsfeeds etc, I am looking for an anonymous FTP site that : carries uptodate KEPS for the Amateur interest satellites, STS missions, : MIR, Hubbble etc. I would prefer one in the USA, but any site will do. : Please include the /pub/ham/... info if possible, it will save me a lot of : logon time (and cost!). : Please e-mail me, or as a last resort post the replies to this newsgroup. Try: pub/space Should have the latest TLEs. Bill Eareckson ------------------------------ Date: 21 Sep 1994 09:47:03 -0400 From:!!!agate!!!!!! Subject: MIR INFO REQUESTED To: In article <>, (Mike Scheel) writes: I thought it was R0MIR-1 and 145.55 up and down, I live in EM 26 and have never heard or been able to hit it either, for what it's worth N5OBC ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 11:18:13 From:!!!usc!!gatech!!ncar!noao!asuvax!ennews!stat! Subject: NOAA,METEOSAT Images, from where?? To: If anyone knows where I could obtain high quality images form the NOAA and METEOSAT satellites (ie. ftp sites etc.), I would very much apprecite it if they could contact me at the email address below. We, as part of the United Nations GRID (Global Resource Infromation Database) organization are thinking about purchasing some kind of satellite receiver system and would like to do some research into which system to buy ( which satellites to receive from ). ------- ------- -- ------- --------- --------- -- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -------- -- -- -- DENMARK -- ---- -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------- -- -- -- -------- ------- -- -- -- ------- | Steven Saffer | Net: | | TELEDANMARK Jydsk Telefon | Telephone: (+45) 86 20 20 11 EXT. 4505 | | R&D Department | Fax: (+45) 86 19 74 50 | | Forskerparken | | | Gustav Wieds Vej 10 | | | 8000 Aarhus C | | | Denmark | | ------------------------------ Date: 21 Sep 1994 07:23:24 GMT From:!! Subject: Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers: WWW To: The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) now has a home page on the Web, with information about how to get started in amateur radio astronomy, where to get components and software, and an index of SARA Journal articles since 1983. The URL is:|/ (Note, because the Web server is DOS based, the URL ends in .htm|/ (where '|' is the vertical pipe symbol) rather than the standard .html/. Also, the '0c:' is the number zero, rather than the letter 'O' which has caused some confusion!) The Society also operates a free BBS at (608) 835-9605. SARA is an international non-profit organization with 325 members, and is open to all who are interested in amateur radio astronomy. Best wishes, Bob Lash & Mike Fremont Maintainers of the SARA Home Page ------------------------------ Date: 16 Sep 1994 19:52:56 GMT From: agate!!!!psuvax1!!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! Subject: St. Louis Area Hams... To: If anyone from the St. Louis area has any information concerning local frequencies that carry the shuttle transmissions, I would really appreciate knowing about it. Thanks in advance... -- Mike Wilson CFI-ASEL Spirit of St. Louis, MO Email: ----------------------- Compuserve--75163,45 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #267 ******************************